martedì 30 novembre 2010

Help Wanted!

Help Wanted!: "The Wowhead Jobs page is once again open for business!

The Wowhead team is made of software developers, managers, writers, and artists, all of which—thanks to you—are fortunate enough to be professionals. It's a great job, and we are thankful every day for the opportunity to do it.

And now we're looking for someone else to do it with us!

We're looking for a C++ developer to join the Wowhead team. This is a full-time, contract, work-from-home position. If you think you're the right one for the job, check out the requirements on our jobs page, and then send a copy of your resume to

Please include any relevant code samples along with your cover letter, resume, and salary history in a separate document.

We're looking forward to working with you. :)

By Malgayne on 11/30/2010 at 2:02 AM"

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