martedì 30 novembre 2010

Help Wanted!

Help Wanted!: "The Wowhead Jobs page is once again open for business!

The Wowhead team is made of software developers, managers, writers, and artists, all of which—thanks to you—are fortunate enough to be professionals. It's a great job, and we are thankful every day for the opportunity to do it.

And now we're looking for someone else to do it with us!

We're looking for a C++ developer to join the Wowhead team. This is a full-time, contract, work-from-home position. If you think you're the right one for the job, check out the requirements on our jobs page, and then send a copy of your resume to

Please include any relevant code samples along with your cover letter, resume, and salary history in a separate document.

We're looking forward to working with you. :)

By Malgayne on 11/30/2010 at 2:02 AM"

mercoledì 24 novembre 2010

The Shattering

The Shattering: "

4.0.3a fishing highlights:

El’s Anglin’ has been extensively updated re-written for patch 4.0.3a and the Cataclysm. Cataclysm will be required to enter new zones (but new coastal fish can be caught by casting across zone boundaries), level past 450, gain a Lure Master Tackle Box. Please let us know if you find anything new or incorrect.


The Shattering (Patch 4.0.3a) Hits Azeroth: It's The End of the World as We Know It

The Shattering (Patch 4.0.3a) Hits Azeroth: It's The End of the World as We Know It: "The day has finally come: Azeroth has been torn asunder, and now it's time to pick up the pieces!

Blizzard has been hinting at it by preparing patches on the PTR for release, and Bashiok was even toying with forum posters last night, but we have official confirmation this morning:

It is time, friends, for the world to shatter.

For the rest of the day this post will act as your homepage and guided tour to all the content in patch 4.0.3a. Any time new content is posted or added, you'll be able to find it on this page—so if you run into anyone who's wandering around Azeroth after the servers come up going "OMG WHAT HAPPENED," just link them here!

Remember, with the addition of new content like this, it's more important than ever to download and run the Wowhead Client. With major changes like this, we want to get new info into the database as fast as possible!

Latest Additions | Talent Calculator | Spell Changes

What's In This Patch

What's NOT In This Patch

By TheOnyx on 11/23/2010 at 8:48 AM"

lunedì 22 novembre 2010

WoW-Pro Dungeons Addon

WoW-Pro Dungeons Addon: "


Hello all!

I am working on a new module for the WoW-Pro addon called WoW-Pro Dungeons, that should provide the framework for guides and information related to dungeons in World of Warcraft. Right now, the WoW-Pro Dungeons is still in its early alpha stage, but I decided to create this page to explain my own design ideas and to hear feedback from the community (especially those that are in the beta, since I'm not).

That way, if we decide to change something, I won't waste too much programming time. Smiling

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Russian Player Obtains All Achievements

Russian Player Obtains All Achievements: "Ревенант, a player on the Russian realms, has earned the distinction of obtaining every single achievement in the game (as well as 78 of the 165 Feats of Strength at the time of this writing).

Some of the noteworthy ones (as if they all weren't noteworthy) include , , , , and my favorite, (I just love the reward). He was also part of , and many other Realm Firsts.

I don't know about the rest of you, but my hat is off to this guy. He's come the closest I've seen to beating the World of Warcraft.

By TheOnyx on 11/13/2010 at 12:10 PM"

How To Find Cataclysm Instance Entrances

How To Find Cataclysm Instance Entrances: "The other night I stumbled upon the work of the talented regisfrost on Reddit, where he had posted an assortment of nicely made and extremely informative images that I guarantee will be of value to many players in preparation for the Cataclysm! He's given us permission to share with you guys this awesome collection, detailing locations of each of the new dungeons launching with Cataclysm.

Remember, come Cataclysm, you will not be able to queue for one of the new dungeons via the Dungeon Finder unless you have first discovered its entrance! Thankfully, Blizzard has assured us that the normal leveling path will lead you to discovering most of these dungeons without much effort, but there's definitely no such thing as too much information! Enjoy!

We've also put together a video showing easy paths you can take to reach each instance portal! :)

Check out all of the awesome images after the break!

Continue reading »

By Miyari on 11/11/2010 at 12:35 AM"

mercoledì 10 novembre 2010

Goblin and Worgen Faction/Race Changes Available at Launch

Goblin and Worgen Faction/Race Changes Available at Launch: "Blizzard announced something I know quite a few of us have been waiting for: Race/Faction Changes for both Worgen and Goblins will be available on launch day!

There is a little caveat to the way paid services work for goblins and worgen: either of them wishing to change races or factions cannot be in either Gilneas or Lost Isles. There is no restrictions on on players wishing to change to goblins or worgen.

With two new playable races just on the horizon, many players have been asking when they'll be able to convert their existing characters into goblins or worgen. Paid faction and race changes will be available immediately once Cataclysm is released. Realm First achievements for leveling any class to 85 will be available in Cataclysm. However there will be no Realm First achievements associated with leveling characters of a specific race.

There will be a slight change to the way paid services work for goblins and worgen. Goblin and worgen characters wishing to change race or faction cannot be in Lost Isles or Gilneas; they must be elsewhere to initiate the process. There are no restrictions on race/faction change to goblin or worgen.

You can learn more about our promotions and paid services here.

By fewyn on 11/09/2010 at 11:16 PM"

martedì 9 novembre 2010

Elemental Invasion Phase 2 is Here!

Elemental Invasion Phase 2 is Here!: "Seems sometime this morning Blizzard flipped the switch and began Phase 2 of the Elemental Invasion! While helping the Earthen Ring fight against the elementals, you will find several new quests in both Ironforge and Orgrimmar.

Phase 2: November 8 - November ???

  • Tablets of the Earth / Tablets of Fire
    Go to the harbor / zeppelin tower and talk to the quest NPC there. A short event will begin, where you - imbued with the powers of the Tablets - need to use your new abilities to fight various elemental attackers off. Remember, use water to counter fire, air to counter earth, and fire to counter water. After the event is over loot the tablets and turn the quest in.
  • Subduing the Elements / Subduing the Elements
    Open the Earthen Ring Supplies and loot Elemental Sapta & Cleansing Totem. Drinking the Septa will allow you to see the spirits, and using the totem near them will subdue them. You can find the Agitated Earth / Fire Spirits all over Ironforge and Orgrimmar.

You can check out all the info on this event in our Cataclysm Guide!

By fewyn on 11/08/2010 at 12:34 PM"

lunedì 8 novembre 2010

[General Discussion] Wait garrosh is warchief already??

[General Discussion]
Wait garrosh is warchief already??
: "

Q u o t e:
so i was handing in the quest [Alert Our Leaders] and when you talk to Garrosh it says

<The warchief listens as you tell of your investigation into the Twilight's Hammer plot to destroy Orgrimmar>

You are a dutiful member.. bla bla bla....

so does this mean he is the warchief already?

Garrosh has recently been handed the position. I'd say more, but I don't want to spoiler things in game. It might be a good idea to hang out in Grommash Hold for a bit just to listen in on what the leaders have been discussing. In addition, you may want to check out the new novel that was released (written by Christie Golden) The Shattering: A Prelude to Cataclysm to learn even more (if you are interested in doing so.)"

mercoledì 3 novembre 2010

The Days Before Cataclysm

The Days Before Cataclysm: "I've been itching to post a blog about the different events that will take place in the 5-6 weeks before the release of Cataclysm, but Zarhym beat me to it! Since I can't really shed any more light than he did, I will summarize his post and then just give you the blue. Basically the plan from here until December 7 is:
  • Patch 4.0.1: The Twilight's Cult & The Elemental Invasion events take place.
  • Patch 4.0.3: All of the Cataclysm data is being introduced to your installation folder, no changes to the actual in-game experience (other than some balance issues possibly).
  • Patch 4.0.3a (a.k.a. The Shattering): Deathwing emerges from Deepholm, and boy, is he mad! Azeroth shatters and takes on the shape all those Cataclysm maps and guides have been teasing you with.
  • Cataclysm: Comes out on December 7, and introduces the 80-85 zones and skills, 450-525 professions, Archaeology, goblins & worgen (and everything else not yet introduced).

Zarhym's post is after the break!

Continue reading »

By ArgentSun on 11/02/2010 at 9:46 PM"

martedì 2 novembre 2010

Arixan's Horde Leveling Guide - Deepholm (82-83) [BETA]

Arixan's Horde Leveling Guide - Deepholm (82-83) [BETA]: "


This guide will cover the Horde quests in Deepholm. I will cover 100% of the quests in the zone. Please note that this is based on a play through of the BETA version of the zone. Things can and probably will change. I will do my best to maintain the accuracy of the quests and objectives until finalized in the live version.


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Elemental Invasion Has Begun!

Elemental Invasion Has Begun!: "One of the final Cataclysm pre-launch events have begun! Elementals will now be invading remote outposts—and a few major cities. It's your job to fight back and eventually gain a rare feat of strength - Tripping the Rifts! Along with the invasions the Twilight Cultists are now stirring up trouble in most of the major cities, specifically Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

You can check out our guide on the new events plus some other invasion info in our Cataclysm Guide!

Update: I've gone through the event and it seems it's only half enabled at this point, quests like Subduing the Elements and quests from Show Me Your Papers and onwards are not yet enabled.

By fewyn on 11/01/2010 at 12:45 PM"