Reforgable Stats
* Critical Strike Rating* Dodge Rating
* Expertise Rating
* Haste Rating
* Hit Rating
* Mastery Rating
* Parry Rating
* Spirit
Non Reforgable Stats
* Agility* Intellect
* Stamina
* Strength
* You also may not use reforging to add to a stat that is already on the item.
The Reforging Process
Players must visit one of the Reforging NPCs that can be found near the Enchanting trainer. Before you make your way here though, be sure to have the piece of gear you wish to reforge in your bags. Once you arrive at the Arcane Reforger simply right click on the NPC to open the Reforging menu.Once opened reforging an item is a rather easy process. Simply place the item you wish to reforge in the box in the top left hand corner (next to the text that says “Drag an item here to reforge it). Once an item is in place, two new drop down menus appear. The first allows the player to choose what stat from the item they wish to reduce in place of another. This menu will only list stats that are available for the process and will also display how much the chosen stat will be reduced.
Once the stat is chosen that the player wishes to reduce the next drop down menu will become active. This menu will allow the player to choose a stat to add to the item and will also display how much of that stat will be added. Once chosen players can view the current stats side by side with the pending stat changes just below the drop down menus. The price of the reforging process will also be displayed. Check to be sure the changes appear to be correct and then simply hit the reforge button at the bottom of the screen to complete the reforging process.
Since item stats can only be reforged one at a time there may come a point along the way where the player decides they would like to choose another stat to add or they may simply want to restore the item to it’s original state. In order to do this simply take the item back to the Arcane Reforger and once again place the item into the box in the top left corner of the Reforging screen. Once the item is placed all the player need do it simply click the Restore button located at the bottom of the screen next to the Reforge button."
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