venerdì 3 settembre 2010

Issue #36 - William Dean Blankenship Jr.

Issue #36 - William Dean Blankenship Jr.: "

Yep. Still have no idea who that guy is.

Today's page was done by William Blankenship:

William Dean Blankenship Jr. is a self-taught flashing animated GIF from northern West Virginia. A recently self-elected Pope, William is the creator of and artist for The Thunderchickens and Special Edition. He's also worked on titles such as Razor Kid, Warmageddon, Crazy Mary, Abigail and Rox and has done illustration work for Red Bar Radio, Distorted View podcast, Downlow Clothing, and Chicago improv comedy posters. He's currently working on his creator owned miniseries, The Thunderchickens with writer and co-creator Chad Boudreau. When not drawing, William enjoys watersports and is a sucker for other people's pain.

We'll see you on Monday, folks, have a great weekend.



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